Palazzo Baronale (The Baronial Palace)

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Palazzo Baronale (The Baronial Palace)

The Baronial Palace of Prossedi is a genuine jewel, towering majestically over Piazza Umberto I.

This extraordinary building, also known as Palazzo Prossedi, has its roots in the distant 1100s, when it was erected in the heart of the charming village of Prossedi, located in the province of Latina. Overlooking the Amaseno valley, Palazzo Prossedi has withstood the ravages of time, proudly preserving its history. In 1125, flames engulfed the town at the hands of Pope Honorius II's troops, but the building rose up from the ashes with a renewed splendour. Over the centuries, this palace has been passed from one noble family to another: from the Chigi family to the Massimo family, from the Gabrielli family to the Altieri family. Finally, back in 1758, it was again acquired by the Altieri family, only to be sold to Angelo Gabrielli, whose descendant, Placido Gabrielli, married his cousin Augusta Bonaparte. Placido Gabrielli is the fourth and last prince of Prossedi. The Gabrielli family, who were once the owners of this magnificent building, transformed it into an authentic architectural marvel, adding baroque and rococò details that mirrored the style of the 18th century. In the early 20th century, the Palace found a new owner: Alberto del Gallo di Roccagiovine, who was also a cousin of Placido and Augusta, and all of them descendants of Lucien, Napoleon's brother.

Today the Baronial Palace of Prossedi is open to you, lovers of art and history. Stroll through its rooms, admire the details and immerse yourself in times gone by. This is a place that offers you the opportunity to have an unforgettable experience.