The Appian Way

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We transport you back in time so you can find the hidden gems along the Via Appia. At Km 59 from Rome, the portion of the route that is in Latina begins.

You will be mesmerized by the Regina Viarum's splendour, which the Romans significantly altered. Awe-inspiring beauty with interconnecting rivers, canals, and ancient Roman villas has the capacity to arouse memories of travellers who have passed through this magical location in the past. You'll then have the impression that you are riding in a horse-drawn boat beside Horace as he travels to Terracina via the Decennovium Canal.

The Via Appia was dotted with post stations because it was a consular road. You pass by the ruins of hotels, stables, workshops, and other service buildings as you go along it. In his Satires, Horace describes stopping at these same buildings and encountering water and venomous bugs. At Borgo Faiti at kilometre 72.4 and Tor Tre Ponti at km 66.4, you may still see some construction remnants.

It was precisely at the Tor Tre Ponti Post station that the Apostle Paul stopped during his pilgrimage to Rome. Here, the Church of St. Paul was built in honour of his passing. The area with the most historical and architectural evidence is Tor Tre Ponti, whose name honours both the medieval tower that was demolished during land reclamation and the three Roman bridges that permitted the Appian Way to cross a watery region.

The 18th-century Post Office buildings in Borgo Faiti can be found on either side of the Appian Way, while those constructed in 1935–1936 for the rural Borgata by the Opera Nazionale Combattenti may be found on the right. The historic market and transit hub known as Forum Appii was called Borgo Faiti. The Decennovium Canal, which Horace crossed, was situated in this region.

Bandits visited the area between Tor Tre Ponti and Borgo Faiti in the sixteenth century. The very concept is terrifying.

You enter the Bocca di Fiume region around kilometre 76; the area's name derives from the entrance to a river that is now subterranean around kilometre 76; the area's name derives from the entrance to a river that is now subterranean. This farmhouse was constructed as part of Pius VI's land reclamation efforts and doubles as a post office. The Zanelli family's coat of arms, which dates back to ancient times, is still visible.

Instead, when you arrive at Mesa di Pontinia, at km 85.3, you are drawn by the remains of the Mausoleum of Clesippo, a magnificent tomb from the first century B.C. that is missing its outer covering.

Exploring the Via Appia route is a unique adventure that takes you through centuries of history.