The 3C area in Colleferro

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The 3C area in Colleferro

The 3C area of Colleferro, located near the cemetery, attracts the curiosity of young people with stories of UFOs and satanic sects.

Its location is undoubtedly another factor that contributes to its mystery. There is a bar at the cemetery's entrance that defines the path and keeps large vehicles out. A local joggers' favourite nature walk can be found beyond the bar.

Until a few years ago, there were run-down cottages along the path with writing on the walls. There are rumours of human sacrifices being carried out by satanic sects there. Tales between reality and fiction. What we know for sure is that a group of boys played a prank on some of their peers by organising a fake satanic sect. On a midsummer moonlit evening, the youngsters arranged to visit 3C. But what they found far exceeded their expectations: the boys, dressed in black and hooded, pretended to perform a human sacrifice. Despite the youths throwing stones at each other, thankfully no one was hurt. Everyone who was there will undoubtedly never forget that night, and it also stirred the imagination of the locals.

Other stories, other legends: those of UFOs. Young people are always the protagonists. Some reported, a few years ago, seeing strange lights, unidentified flying objects circling in the sky and even alien abductions.

The 3C area is a place that never ceases to amaze and probably still hides many secrets. Are you ready to face them?