The area of Monti Lepini, between past and present

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History echoes in the Monti Lepini area, where different civilisations have alternated over the centuries and millenary traditions still survive.

From afar, the Lepini Mountains appear in all their beauty: here nature and medieval villages are like perfectly-fitting jigsaw puzzle pieces.

Priverno, Maenza and Prossedi, perched on the mountains and not far from each other, welcome you with a rich artistic and historical heritage.
Our villages are true treasure troves, boasting important architectural works such as ancient ruins, churches, monuments and palaces.

Here you can relax and, at the same time, satisfy your curiosity and desire for local culture and traditions, which you will also find in our food. Every dish has its own story. No one should leave without trying the delicacies of our local cuisine.

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La zona del 3C a Colleferro

La zona del 3C di Colleferro, situata vicino al cimitero, attira la curiosità dei giovani con storie di ufo e sette sataniche.

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Festa dell’olio

Ogni anno, ad ottobre, nell’incantevole cornice dell'Abbazia di Fossanova, a Priverno, prende vita la Festa dell’olio. L’evento vi offre una varietà incredibile di attività.

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La natura

L’incanto della natura avvolge i nostri luoghi, in tutte le sue sfaccettature, regalandoci spettacoli mozzafiato, paesaggi meravigliosi ed ecosistemi da proteggere.

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